We defend EU citizenship rights to live, work and study: for UK nationals in Spain and Spanish nationals in the UK. /
Defendemos los derechos de ciudadanía europea (para vivir, trabajar, estudiar etc.) de los británicos en España y los españoles en el Reino Unido.
Hay una petición en Change.org para pedir al gobierno
Español que conceda la doble nacionalidad a británicos con más de 10
años de residencia.Permitir la doble nacionalidad a los residentes de larga duración
requiere un cambio en la legislación española. No sería la primera vez.
Por ejemplo, en 2015 el gobierno de Mariano Rajoy ofreció la doble
nacionalidad a los descendientes de los judíos expulsados en 1492. Resulta que los españoles en el RU sí tienen el derecho de pedir la doble nacionalidad después de 5 años de residencia.
Journalist and author Giles Tremlett has written an excellent article in Prospect Magazine (see link below) about the impact of Brexit on UK nationals living in the EU. He points out that no British politicians seem to have considered the futures of people who have made their lives in the EU under the safe umbrella of European citizenship. When this protection is removed on Britain's imminent departure from the Union, European identity will be erased overnight, existing citizen rights will disappear, lives and families may be shattered. Tremlett not only asks for Brexpats to campaign for their rights but calls for a wider debate on the benefits to the UK of the British diaspora. He points out how shabbily treated they have been by their own government, denied political representation after fifteen years of living abroad. Definitely an article worth reading.
International Trade Secretary Liam Fox Photo: Sky News
As we expected at EuroCitizens, the rights and futures of millions of people have become bargaining chips in the post-Brexit negotiations between the UK and the EU. Trade Minister Liam Fox could not have been clearer when he refused to give any reassurances about the future of EU nationals in Britain. That would be 'to hand over one of our main cards in the negotiations' stated the hardline Brexiter. Thus it is evident that both Britons in Europe and Europeans in the UK will be used as levers to obtain trade deals and better conditions for Britain's divorce with the EU. Prime Minister May and her team of hadline Brexiters have also shown that this will not be an easy separation. Stopping immigrants coming into the UK and reasserting 'national sovereignty' will prevail over a softer approach. In our opinion, this means that joining together to fight for our rights and futures (and those of Spaniards in Britain) has become more important than ever. On October 15, EuroCitizens will be holding our first public meeting (more information).
Links: http://news.sky.com/story/eu-nationals-in-uk-one-of-our-main-cards-in-brexit-deal-liam-fox-10605533 http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/eu-citizens-right-live-uk-one-main-cards-brexit-negotiations-says-liam-fox-1584828 https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/oct/04/liam-fox-refuses-to-guarantee-right-of-eu-citizens-to-remain-in-uk