miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2022


Here's an update on voting (or standing as a candidate) in Spanish local elections next May. 

The latest information is from the UK Embassy's Living In Spain page:


Local elections

You can vote and stand in local elections in Spain once you have been resident for 3 years. To do so, you must:

  • be registered on the municipal register where you live (padrón municipal)
  • confirm your registration on the electoral roll (censo electoral), within the dates set by the electoral authorities before each election

You cannot register on the electoral roll at other times. You must re-register on the electoral roll before each local election.

To stand as a local election candidate, read Spanish organic law 5/1985 (in Spanish) or consult with your local Oficina del Censo Electoral.

Voting and standing in the local elections in May 2023

If you wish to participate in the next local elections, check you are correctly registered on the municipal register (padrón).

The Electoral Census Office (Oficina del Censo Electoral) will write to UK nationals who, according to the relevant databases, have the right to vote. They are due to send these letters at the end of November 2022.

If you receive a letter, follow the instructions to complete your registration either by post or online. If you do not receive a letter but believe you meet the requirements to vote, contact your town hall. They can inform you of the local process to follow to register on the electoral roll.

To vote in the local elections in May 2023, you must register on the electoral roll between 1 December 2022 and 15 January 2023.

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2022


Here is some updated advice (10/11/22) on travelling to other countries in the European Union with your (still valid) "certificado de registro de ciudadano de la Unión Europea (green A4 or green card)

You will remember that while Spain, the UK and the EU all recommend swapping your Green registration certificate for the new TIE which identifies you as a beneficiary of the Withdrawal Agreement, this is not compulsory. The Green certificate remains in force for those who choose not to do so. Nevertheless, there have been some instances of British citizens not having their certificates recognised at the border of some EU states. We have approached the EU about this and have learned the following:

“…a specimen of the Spanish registration certificate of EU citizens is included in Annex 43 of the "Practical Handbook for Border Guards" (PHBG). This document being not published, we unfortunately cannot provide a link.


Spain has not notified the title of the document for its inclusion in Annex 22 of the PHBG, which lists all residence permits and documents with equivalent effect issued by the Member States. Inclusion in both Annexes 43 and 22 of the PHBG being necessary under Schengen rules, the Commission has pointed out to Spain that it should notify the title for inclusion in Annex 22 of the PHBG. However, this has not been done so far.


As a consequence, the Commission is aware that UK nationals who are Withdrawal Agreement beneficiaries in Spain and who travel inside the Schengen area based on a previously issued free movement registration certificate may experience difficulties in other Schengen States.”


What this means in practice is that if a border guard checks both Annexes (22 and 43) they will find the certificate included under Annex 43 although not under 22. However, if the guard checks Annex 22 only, they will not find it mentioned. Consequently, if  you encounter problems, you should ask the border guard to check Annex 43 as well.

If you do have any problems when travelling with your green EU card, please write to us at eurocitizens2016@gmail.com and tell us all about it.