martes, 15 de septiembre de 2020


Have you thought about or tried registering for the new Spanish ID card (TIE*) for Britons protected by the Withdrawal Agreement? (*Tarjeta de Identidad para Extranjeros - ciudadanos Reino Unido).

If you have and would like to share your experiences with us, please answer the questions below and send your answers to


Data privacy: EuroCitizens does not share any personal data with outside organizations unless we obtain specific written permission. If we share the overall results of this survey, this will be done so anonymously.


If you have already applied for a TIE please go straight to question 1. If you have not yet applied for a TIE, please just email us and say why not: eg no time pressure, unclear instructions, a fee is necessary......

Questions about registration for the TIE:

1) Have you encountered any problem at any stage of the application? 

E.g. difficulties in obtaining an appointment, in providing the documentation required, the wrong status was granted: i.e. temporary (under 5 years) instead of permanent (over 5 years residence).


If NO please ignore the questions below and simply forward to with that "NO" response and any advice that you would like to give about the procedures.


2) Have you experienced any problems in getting an initial appointment?

Yes/No     If "yes" please give details:

3) What was the name of the police station (and its location) of your initial appointment?


4) Did you encounter any issues in respect of the status of the TIE that was granted to you? E.g. you have more than five years' residency, but you were not granted permanent residence status.

Yes/No    If "yes" please give detail


5) Was any documentation requested that was not specifically cited in the guidance provided by the Spanish government?  E.g. photocopies of passport, green documents, supplementary information regarding education, financial information etc.

Yes/No    If "yes" please give detail



6) Was your original green document retained at the time of application?


If "yes", please give some details about what happened: e.g. you challenged the demand.

7) Was your application refused? 

Yes/No    If "yes" please give details of why it was refused.


8) Were you given /do you have a date for collection of the TIE?

Yes/No    If "no" please give details:


9) Were you able to collect the TIE without incident? 

Yes/No     If "no", please give detail



10) Did you encounter any problems with payment for the TIE?

Yes/No     If "yes", please give details:



11) Do you have any other observations eg clarity of instructions, proficiency of officials you encountered etc?

Yes/No     If "yes", please give details: